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MAGA and MAHA: Repeal Section 704, Restore Constitutional Freedoms, and Protect America’s Children from RF Radiation

Distinguished patriots, champions of American sovereignty, and guardians of our children’s future: We gather at [...]

Oration on RF Safety, Constitutional Restoration, and the Advent of a New Light Age

Delivered before the world’s foremost scholars, policymakers, and scientific minds Distinguished colleagues, erudite policymakers, and [...]

Why New ADHD/Autism Drugs Won’t Save Us—and Why Light-Based Connectivity Will

We stand at an epochal threshold in which the flaws of our radiofrequency (RF)-dominated wireless [...]

The Grand Deception of RF Safety: An Intellectual Exposé on Regulatory Fraud and the Suppression of Scientific Truth

Ladies and gentlemen, what if I told you that the foundation upon which our entire [...]

The FCC’s RF Safety Guidelines Were Never Legitimate: A Premeditated Fraud on Public Health

All right, let’s break this down in a way that makes sense. If you’ve ever [...]

Top-Rated Red Light Therapy Devices

When choosing a red light therapy device, consider its type (e.g. full-body panel, handheld, mask), [...]

Introduction: “Thermal-Only” vs. Biological Reality

Below is a topical breakdown of the major points in the Héroux (2025) Heliyon article, [...]

The Great Reckoning: How the Wireless Industry’s Lies Are Collapsing Under the Weight of Science and Regulation

For decades, the wireless industry has operated under a grand illusion—one that claims radiofrequency (RF) [...]

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