Message sent to Amazon Seller support! Case #7678314441 ( Note I have been in contact with Amazon several times a week for 4 months over this theft and danger to the public which they have done nothing about it!)
I sent Jeff’s C-suite a copy of your incompetence in being able to review infringement claims!
Katie Webb
4:12 AM (0 minutes ago)
The seller stealing the content from my business website to compete with me on the Amazon platform is selling a fake product that can harm people! They are harming my company for months and no one at Amazon seems to care as long as they make money off the scammer’s dangerous product and my stolen content. I did everything you wanted for brand protection and Amazon has done NOTHING!
The one thing you did do… Amazon did accept the infringement and removed the product for 48 hrs, only to reactivate it with content that AMAZON knew was stolen from me! So who is stealing my content now after Amazon approved to relist stolen content! The seller didn’t reactivate the content stolen from my site, AMAZON did! WHY????
BTW Dec 1st is my birthday today! It would be nice to see justice done today after months of stealing from me! I turn 50 today, and I will give it my all to stop Amazon from harming anyone with this deadly fake product! I will be screaming a lot today!
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Date: Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 3:15 AM
Subject: Thank you for creating a new Case: 7678314441
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Your message to us:
I provided everything needed under us law over and over, QuantaDose® © 2020 provides me the protection I need from people copying and pasting my complete product descriptions to Amazon’s website for a fake product!
Look at the product description and stop being so lazy!! They are stealing from my family and HARMING AMAZON CUSTOMERS! They are using a fake USA LLC, using a fake USA address selling from china and the number values on the test card are 100% made up from thin air! Amazon could have already killed someone selling this scam! You won’t even stop them from stealing my content, what about the lives you are endangering by selling the fake UVC test card with QuantaDose content stolen from a tested and calibrated product in the USA?
Live Product description for B08FFJY5DM —- READ IT! IT IS STOLEN FROM ME! Copied stolen text below in case you are too lazy to click the link!
UVC test cards are a basic, reliable, low cost, simple, in-house, and right out
of your pocket method of monitoring UVC intensity along with verifying that the
optimal UVC light wavelengths are being used in your
process without spending hundreds of dollars on fragile UVC and UVC light meters
it provides you with real-time results for super fast When exposed to optimal UVC
wavelengths, the test card undergoes an instant color change to green
where fluorescence is directly related to the energy value received. Fluorescence
stops when excited electrons release all photos within nanoseconds after exposure.
we has created a specially formulated ink that is sensitive to only optimal
UVC which will not fluoresce to visible light or UVA and UVB. This ensures
only wavelengths between 250-275nm are shown in glow green. it give you
verification/validation purposes to avoid an increasing number of defective
UVC light products on the market today
? Verify the wavelength of light being emitted
? Validate the amount of light being emitted
? Confirm the amount of light reaching a surface
These easy-to-use, credit card sized UVC Indicators will increase
the efficiency of the UVC light processes by helping you visualize
what is most effective.The amount of inactivation is directly proportional to the UVC
dose, which is received, and this in turn is the result of its intensity and duration of exposure
The farther away the light source, the less UVC will reach the target, so only a quarter of the
UVC remains when the distance doubles
Did you take the time to read the stolen text.. 4 paragraphs to sell a fake product?
Now my company website text, as much as images are protected from unauthorized usage ie being stolen to sell fake products! The complete product listing for B08FFJY5DM came from my business website word for word! What is wrong with you people?? I have made five different complaints and none of you want to stop this theft of my property?
LOOK AT THE TEXT BEFORE STOLEN! And compare it, you Amazon people helping this scammer!!
THE ONLY THING THEY DID IS REMOVE MY TRADEMARK QUANTADOSE!!! Replaced with a lower case it or we. Copied text that belongs to QuantaDose below in case you are too lazy to click the link!
QuantaDose UVC test cards are a basic, reliable, low cost, simple, in-house, and right out of your pocket method of monitoring UVC intensity along with verifying that the optimal UVC light wavelengths are being used in your disinfection process without spending hundreds of dollars on fragile UV and UVC light meters.
QuantaDose provides you with real-time results super fast. When exposed to optimal UVC germicidal wavelengths, the QuantaDose UVC test card undergoes an instant color change to green where fluorescence is directly related to the energy value received. Fluorescence stops when excited electrons release all photos within nanoseconds after exposure.
QuantaDose has created a specially formulated ink that is sensitive to only optimal UVC which will not fluoresce to visible light or UVA and UVB. This ensures only wavelengths between 250-275nm are shown in glow green. QuantaDose gives you verification/validation purposes to avoid an increasing number of defective UVC light products on the market today.
Verify the wavelength of light being emitted
Validate the amount of light being emitted
Confirm the amount of light reaching a surface
These easy-to-use, credit card sized UVC Indicators will increase the efficiency of the UVC light disinfection processes by helping you visualize what is most effective. The amount of inactivation is directly proportional to the UVC dose, which is received, and this in turn is the result of its intensity and duration of exposure. The farther away the light source, the less UVC will reach the target, so only a quarter of the UVC remains when the distance doubles.
You can see my content has been used for months…. here is a screenshot of the ca market place before it was removed a few days ago
Damn, do something about it! Everything about the fake American seller from china is FAKE!! The Business name, business address, product, product description, and numbers to reference points of calibration are ALL FAKE! Is Amazon just trying to kill someone with COVID? That’s what will happen if someone trusts this fake test card to chose UVC protection!
For God sake, have a heart, over a quarter of a million people are dead in America alone, Amazon does not need to help the death count get any higher by selling dangerous fake UVC testing products!
The first press release is to let people know about the fakes
The next will include legal case numbers telling the world what Amazon has refused to do about protecting the public for several months knowing Amazon is putting lives at risk by selling it. I don’t have your money, but I did just sell enough bitcoin to make this happen! I can’t allow Amazon to approve of using my stolen content ( after Amazon accepted it was stolen) just to peddle a fake product that can kill people! I plan to spend my entire birthday trying to prevent Amazon from killing someone with this fake product! Please call me today, I’m up early and will be busy trying to stop Amazon from harming people, even potentially killing Amazon customer with this scam! On my birthday, I plan on saving a life from this scam so others get to have birthdays over Amazon’s few dollars in commissions made at the cost of an Amazon customer’s life!
ASIN(s) of the product(s) and Marketplace. Please include all impacted ASINs for the same listing issue, separated by commas.: B08FFJY5DM, B088TSB1BF
Product title: 2 Pcs UVC Test Card with UVC Sensor Function Verify for 59S/VANELC/Cahot/ASIILOVI & Compatible Verify All UVC Handheld Light Wand,Reusable Light Wavelength Indicator Card,Result in 1 Second
Seller name(s): MGKP LLC
Prior complaint ID/case ID: 7672022931
Seller has provided a call-back number +18007139004 in the country United States. If Seller Support associates need additional information to resolve the case, the above number can be used to call the seller during business hours in the country’s time zone.
Here is the fake seller’s info in American from China that is endangering the lives of Americans with the full support of Amazon!
Detailed Seller Information
- Business Name: Hector Dw. Bunger
- Business Address:
- MA
- 01430-3007
- US

Here is where the Quantadose content was stolen! 250 words, 1500 letters exact match!

Forum Thread on the issue on Amazon
UPDATE: 12/8/2020 The Item B08FFJY5DM that has copied the complete product listing from our website seen here
Look no further for 250 words that match’s word for word making up the total product listing of B08FFJY5DM from quantadose website here The 2nd thought 5th paragraph is copied word for word from our listing for a different different product B08FFJY5DM. Today we noticed the item B08FFJY5DM redirected to a different product on the USA site. The seller in China with fake USA address continues to use Quantadose website content with Amazons permission to redirect traffic to other products in a second level bait a switch to mislead the customers on Amazon and steal from Quantadose.
The 2 pc card that is stealing content from Quantadose B08FFJY5DM now redirects to a 5 pc set using search engine placement gained by quantadose content pushing their second different product on the same B08FFJY5DM hijacking quantadose product descriptions.
Incase it changes